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Our ILP group members attended the CCE-EPT 2023
Date: 2024-03-30      SourceLink:      ClickTimes:

Professor Mark Harrison and Professor Timothy Kusky


Meeting view


The International Symposium on “Continental Crustal Evolution and Early Plate Tectonics (CCE-EPT 2023)” was successfully held in Beijing from October 11th to 15th, 2023. The conference funded by our ILP project (2023TF-1) attracted more than 500 delegates from 13 countries and regions, including China, the United States, Germany, Australia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Iran, Canada, India, South Africa, Türkiye, Hong Kong, China, covering more than 60 domestic scientific research institutions and nearly 30 foreign institutions.
       The conference focused on five hot topics in the international research field of the Precambrian, including: early continental crustal growth and evolution, metamorphism magmatism of early plate tectonics, shallow response and resource environment effects of early plate tectonics, Middle-Neoproterozoic Earth evolution and mineral resources, and the formation characteristics history behavior of the oldest lithosphere on Earth. 148 oral reports (including 57 thematic reports) and 68 exhibition boards were presented at the conference. After the meeting, field discussions were held on the core topics, including the oldest rocks and ancient metamorphic rocks in eastern Hebei, high-pressure ultra-high temperature granulites in the Huai'an Jining area, magmatic sedimentary records before and after the major oxidation event in the Wutai area, and the Middle Proterozoic section in Jizhou District, Tianjin.
       Professor Timothy Kusky and Mark Harrison was invited to attend this conference and served as the convener of the fifth topic, giving a keynote talk titled "New developments in understanding the Late Archean arc/continent collision of the Central Orogenic Belt, North China Craton". Professor Wang Lu, Associate Professor Huang Bo, Associate Researcher Wang Zhensheng, and Postdoctoral Ning Wenbin all attended the meeting and gave oral presentations.
       This meeting exchanged the latest progress on the major project of "Continental Crustal Evolution and Early Plate Tectonics", and comprehensively reviewed and discussed the research progress and disciplinary frontiers of continental crustal evolution and early plate tectonics at home and abroad in recent years. It is of great significance to clarify the major frontier issues in this field, especially the evolution of the Earth during the Precambrian period in recent years, especially the early tectonic evolution an academic event in the fields of magma metamorphism and resource environmental effects.